What Are The Uses of Water-Soluble Films?
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What Are The Uses of Water-Soluble Films?

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Many companies claim that they are green companies, but they're still using conventional packaging. Many would also claim to be environmentally friendly, but they're selling their products separately, in separate packaging.  

Of course, these are merely just claims. It's not actually that hard to find companies that adapted to green manufacturing strategies. The way you do it is by checking the packaging. If you notice that the packaging is made of biodegradable materials, you'll know that it's a green company.

One of the best examples of biodegradable packaging is water-soluble films. Before searching for water-soluble film manufacturers, there are a few things you need to learn beforehand. In this article, we will explain what they actually are, and what are the uses of water-soluble films. See more complete information below:

What Are Water-Soluble Films?

Water-soluble films are a kind of packaging material that can be dissolved easily when you dip it in water. So, in order to fully open the package, you will no longer need any sharp object to get the job done.

All you need here is to simply put it in water, and the product will start to reveal itself. The dissolved packaging will leave no harmful substance, so consumers can safely enjoy the products right away without worrying about side effects or any possible risks in the future.

Water-soluble film

Key Features of Water-Soluble Films

Water-soluble films are considered great due to their key features, such as:

Can Be a Solution to Make Better Packaging

Water-soluble film manufacturers may help in creating soluble films that can be useful for many kinds of industries. It's not only merely a packaging, but it offers a solution for more convenient packaging, along with a way to keep the environment safe.


Most water-soluble films are made from biodegradable materials. The term biodegradable means that it will dissolve over time when exposed to water. When dissolved, these materials won't be turned into a toxic substance. Instead, the result will be safe both for the consumers and the environment.

Barrier Properties

The general function of packaging is to protect the contents inside. The same thing also goes for water-soluble films. When manufactured properly, this packaging can provide extra protection for the products.


Water-soluble films are not monotonous. Companies may have the freedom to change the size, thickness, or even color. The customizability will make it easier for water-soluble film manufacturers to adjust to the different needs of brands and businesses.

Are They Good for the Environment?

Similar to other biodegradable packaging, water-soluble films are generally safe for the environment. As the materials of the packaging can dissolve easily when in contact with water, there would be no waste left. The result of the finished disintegration process is also not harmful, even for the consumers.

But, do note that the best results are only achievable through proper packaging manufacture, materials to use, and how easy they are to dissolve.

Reduced Waste

The environment has been a concern for so many people. We've seen clear signs that the Earth is suffering from extreme pollution caused by human greed. As the realization hit, many people are now turning their way of life to be healthier, or “greener”.

Many companies are also doing the same thing by adopting green manufacturing strategies. These strategies are beneficial as they can bring financial benefits for companies, and better impact for the surrounding environment.

Amongst many strategies, one of them is highly related to the packaging. And one-way companies can make their packaging more eco-friendly is by using water-soluble films. As they will have no trace after completely dissolved, the companies are effectively making less waste over time.

Marine Life Protection

The danger of the manufacturing process can not only be harmful to landfills but also to marine life. By using water-soluble films, we can keep marine life protected by not “delivering” much waste to the water bodies. That way, rivers and the sea can be cleaner, and marine life can stay protected as it should be.

What Are The Uses of Water-Soluble Films?

Biodegradable packaging, including water-soluble films, generally has many uses in many different types of businesses. Check some of them below:

Single-Use Packaging

One of the common uses of water-soluble films is for single-use packaging. Some examples of this packaging are detergent pods, shampoo or soap sheets, or flavor packages in instant noodles. When you put the packaging in the water, the content will naturally blend in.


Water-soluble films can also be used in the agricultural industry. With the same concept in mind, the packaging can be used to package fertilizers, vitamins, or supplements for the plantation. As you'll only need to put the package in the water, the products above can be used directly to the soil.


Patients who have difficulty swallowing medicinal pills can consume medicines that are packaged with water-soluble films instead. As the packaging can dissolved more quickly, the medicines can also be smoothly taken.

Food Packaging

Water-soluble films can also be used for food packaging. In fact, it can be a more convenient way to process your food as you don't need to make an effort to open the package. Instead, simply put the packaging in the water, and you’re done!

Laundry Detergents

The last example here is laundry detergents. These detergents can be put into the packaging, and consumers can easily put them inside the washing machine without the need to open it first. It's very easy and straightforward.


In short, water-soluble films can be used in many fields of industry as the type of material here may provide extra convenience, easiness, and also safe for the environment. Another thing to note is that the packaging will be dissolved into a non-harmless substance when dissolved, so there's nothing to worry about.

However, in order to make sure that the packaging will be suitable for your products, you have to make sure that it uses suitable materials, and is in accordance with your country's laws and regulations.

If you wish to get quality packaging, get the best water-soluble film manufacturers. Our team at Guangdong Proudly New Material Technology Corp. will provide the best for you.

With more than 19 years of experience, our company is ready to deliver top-quality water-soluble packaging that nicely fits your business. For more information, contact us at proudly@proudly.hk, or give us a call at +8613802609114.

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Established in 2004, Jiangmen Proudly Water-soluble Plastic Co., Ltd focus on the R&D and manufacturing of functional, biodegradable and safety packaging products, widely for medical, industry, agriculture and consumer products.

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